1. Bought sofa (above) and went for sushi on Friday (one cool thing about not working on Friday and the kids are at school- sometimes David and I get a mini-date).
2. Picked up sofa and picked out paint. Good thing I didn't buy paint before we got the sofa in here. The first color I had picked was exactly the same color as the sofa. We changed it to "fudge bar" instead of Arab Sand. Sofa actually looks good with the red chair.
3. Started painting. Mostly done- will finish tomorrow.
4. Now I need new curtains, carpet and a coffee table. Since the red chair looks fine we aren't going to buy the love seat. I am looking for large floor cushions for the kids. Beanbags are much more expensive than I realized!
So that is where we are today. I am very cold and tired. It is in the low twenties outside and only about 64 in the house. Our furnace really isn't doing its job these days and will most likely need to be replaced soon.
Love the sofa!! where did you find that?
It's an Ashley Furniture model called Tawny. We bought it at a local store.
Thank you! We have an Ashley in town and looking for a new sofa. Have 3 kids, husband and dog and that one looks durable.
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