Friday, January 16, 2009

Dear ****,

You are truly unbelievable.  I can't understand why you choose to do what you do.  I think that by subpoenaing your mother in law, the gloves are off.  You want a fight, I think you loathed husband is ready to give you one.  You can't see that for the  past year he has been protecting you- mainly from yourself.  By pushing for all this money that doesn't exist, you have effectively run him out of business and jeopardized your children's future.  Did you know his lawyers are encouraging him to use college fund money to pay you now?  Every time I think you have hit an all time low, something else happens that digs you deeper.  
PS- you do know that you actually have to PAY the bills with the money you're given, right?  You do know how to pay bills, don't you?

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