Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am a big stinkin' loser.....

Remember, my Friday post- I said I had to do the door prizes for the bingo night at school.  Guess what I forgot to do.  I get a phone call at 7 PM tonight, being asked where the prizes were.  SO here I am, sick and out of it, rushing to Target to buy plastic cups and candy.  In less than 30 minutes, I go to the store, buy stuff, drive 8 miles to school, fill 20 plastic cups with candy and deliver them to the committee.  Yes, I can pull rabbits out of a hat, also.  I am faced with the question of whether I can handle the secretary job or not.  I am not going to resign over some cups of candy, but it is a wake-up call that I desperately needed.

I have been neglecting a lot of things lately.  Just little things that I used to do- cards, remembering birthdays, getting a real dinner on the table in a timely fashion.  I have not gotten my time organized yet, and I absolutely have to.  I don't like the disorganized person I have become lately and I really need to focus on fixing that.

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