Thursday, October 14, 2010


1. Hopefully I will get better at posting more often.
2. The past few months have been difficult.
3. Had no idea why I felt so horrible.
4. So, moving on from here......
5. I have been trying to hammer home to point to my children that they are genetically doomed- diabetes on both sides, plus high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer.......
6. Time to set a better example.
7. And thinking that if God has a plan for us and we have free will, he must have a back up plan. Otherwise those two notions do not jive.
8. Unless our free will takes us on a detour.
9. I dunno.
10. I do not live in the past but I wonder sometimes how different choices would have played out.
11. That is normal, I know.
12. Just saying- would different choices have yielded the same result?
13. Or would I be living in Georgia as a mother to five, hosting Thursday night family dinners every week? Or would I be a nun living in a hut in an unknown village teaching the poor to care for their babies and goats? Interesting thought.......

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