Friday, December 10, 2010

Fond memories.....

(cuz everyone loves lists)
riding in a convertible with the top down- and it is about 30 degrees outside
moonlight skinny dipping
any time i have ever been to a beach
cabrillo national monument
nyc at christmas
the cult concert, 1988
hotel del coronado
the "den of sin"
atkins park
eating low country boil in savannah
st. pat's parade in savannah
may day at brenau
falling asleep in a hammock, in someone's arms (even though i was painfully sunburned)
senior prom
mission beach
the midget
fireworks on peachtree street
drinks at the sundial
pitty pat's porch
chinese food in bed
tiny converse sneakers
covington cemetery
nchs soccer
potter's thrift store
cruising the plaza
walking to the square after school

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