1. If you park your cart in the middle of an aisle and your ass is wider than the cart, you WILL be in some one's way.
2. The cashier does not care about your life story, who you are buying for or that blue is your grand son's favorite color. she cares that the line behind you is 12 customers deep.
3. Please refrain from talking loudly and swearing nonstop into your blue tooth. First of all, you look like you are crazy and talking to yourself. Second, this is Macy's, not your living room.
4. You know what store you are in and that you are about to pay for your crap. Find your wallet and coupons BEFORE you get in line.
5. Do not stand in line at the food court and talk to someone on your cell phone about what they want to eat while you are ordering. The people behind you KNOW what they want and want you to get out of the way.
6. You are not the only one in a hurry or under time constraints and a budget. SO shut up!
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