Sunday, December 19, 2010

This sooooo SUCKS....

Helen woke us up at 3 am when we heard her vomiting. On the carpet. Yay. The school bug has hit us. So by my calculations, Zachary will be sick by Tuesday/Wednesday and I will be sick on Christmas Eve, Fun, fun.

As if I already was not feeling Christmas this year. Normally we have looked at lights, made a gingerbread house, watched movies together, made cards and teacher gifts...... Not so much this year. I'm sure I will pull something out at the last minute, but I just couldn't muster it this year. Don't know what is up with me. I am gonna go with stress..... That sounds plausible, right?

So, I will brave the mall alone. Wish me luck. And pray for the other shoppers, cuz I get cranky at Christmas. I guess I need to make my lists. I already know who is naughty and nice.....

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