come read my deep dark secrets.....shhhhh
sometimes......1. I wear mismatched stripey socks under my boots- like a funky little secret.
2. I could just wear my jammies all day.
3. I let my kids eat dessert for breakfast.
4. my life seems so boring I want to scream.
5. trashy novels are exactly what I want to read.
6. I listen to country music in the car.
7. I wonder about people I haven't seen in years (and.....).
8. I think about someone when I shouldn't be thinking like that.
9. I wear my daughter's perfume.
10. I secretly watch Lifetime movies.
11. I make my kids buy lunch so I can hit the snooze alarm a few extra times.
12. I wear "fancy underwear" just because.
13. I take Nyquil even though I do not have a cold.
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