Thursday, July 31, 2014

13 13 13

*better late than never*
1. this trip was probably the easiest drive ever.
2. no rain, no traffic or road work.
3. and, most importantly, no car trouble!
4. traveling with food concerns and no plan is not recommended, though.
5.  i ate crap and am paying for it......
6.  had sausage croissant, sweet wine, cheese, bites of zachary's coca cola cake, ketchup, a piece of candy, sonic chili cheese tots.........
7.  and now my stomach hurts and i feel yucky.
8. i will be better prepared for the return trip.
9. i also hate it that my desire to be healthy and eat real food is seen as picky or inconvenient by others.
10.  in order to please people around me or make things easier for them, i compromise myself.
11. don't see how this is fair.  and then i feel defensive.
12.  i wish i had a handy explanation- like celiac or true allergies.....
13. or maybe if i could get a doctor to take me seriously.

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