I know that I was raised a long time ago and things are very different now. I do get that. BUT, things were also different when you compare my parents childhood to mine- that is how it goes. That said, these kids these days really are clueless. Maybe being raised by parents who had first hand knowledge of WWII and the Depression makes me think differently from these kids who have never know being poor, wearing unstylish clothes, saving useful items, etc.
I really frustrates me when rather than getting the point of a move set in 1940, they make fun of the names and the clothes. And the cars. They just don't seem to "get" any other time frame. I was a weird kid- I loved Little House on the Prairie, I watched old movies and tv shows. I read "vintage" books that I found at the library and at my Aunt's house. I found unusual things in antique stores and asked what they were for. I understood that many people were poor and my own mom grew up sharing a bedroom with 5 sisters and no running water. I actually liked all the museum junk I got dragged to on vacations. I saw Gone with the Wind for the first time when I was 8 and designed antebellum dresses for Barbie. I was weird and I know that, but I JUST DON'T GET these kids. And if I had my way, the X Box, computer and TV would not be in my house. I am rambling and also at work, so I shouldn't be writing, but I had to.
And totally off subject- we have found a way to punish Zach. No Candy. Give Helen a piece and tell him "NO". He is on no candy, no tv, no xbox, no computer until I decide he can have them back. Also, bed at 7:45. He has been awful and we need to "nip it".
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