Thursday, December 18, 2008

so tired....

I am very tired.  I wish my kids had somewhere to go be loud, other than in the same room with me.  I did get everything done for Zachary's class- he had his party today.  Helen's class is having theirs tomorrow.  She needs to sign her cards.  I need iron Zach's shirt for tomorrow and get all the clothes together.

I am having surgery tomorrow after their Christmas program.  I am nervous and hope it all goes well.  I plan to straighten up "my" bedroom and have the dvd player, etc at my disposal.  Clean sheets would be nice, and the laundry needs to be put away, too.  And I still haven't gone to Blockbuster to buy the stupid cards for teachers yet.  At least they are open til midnight.

My thoughts are as scattered as this post and I need coffee or something to wake myself up.  Plus a gag for my son.  There are days when I just get sick of his voice.  He talks weird and makes all these noises and it drives me crazy.  Then I feel guilty.

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