I just put in an hour in the den of filth and let me just say, I have my work cut out for me. It is nasty, cluttered, dirty, you name it. I did find a home for the miscellaneous small appliances, party ware, cake pans, etc. That will be a big help when Zachary says "Mom, can you make a cheesecake?" I won't say, "As soon as I FIND the spring-form pan!" Instead I will say, "Are you insane?"
I hope to unearth my craft table and find a place for all the holiday decorations. But some things need to say "bye bye". Do I really need two sets of Christmas dishes? Why am I keeping all these
cookbooks- haven't even looked for them in two years.......? Old fabric- see ya! But I am in major need of shelving and storage. Small houses don't have a lot of storage and David has an aversion to buying anything that looks like storage. I think he just likes having it all spread out and covered in white dog fur.
Our biggest problem- we have too many hobbies. It is amazing that the two of us have children that are interested in NOTHING, mean while the basement is cluttered with craft supplies, sewing equipment, a dark room, tons of bottles and home brew supplies, home made soap, sports equipment, camping gear, books, cake decorating items, model rockets....... and it is OURS!!!!!
In my fantasy world, my laundry room would look like this:

OK- not fancy, but better than what I've got, which is depressing. Which is why we have no clean clothes........