1. Got my "new" car.
2. Not many people have a car totaled and then use the insurance money to buy the same car.
3. But this one was a great deal. Plus, it is a Holy car.
4. It belonged to a Monsignor, who was gifted a new car for his 80th birthday......
5. Now, if I can just force Thing One and Thing Two to clean their messes out of the back seat.....
6. And remember the trunk is not a storage unit.....
7. Why is laundry such a pain in the ass? I still say, this was our punishment for Eve and the Apple...... if we were still nekkid- there would be no LAUNDRY!
8. I STILL want a tattoo.
9. And a vacation without my kids.
10. And a clean house.
11. Why does the dog get to sit home all day and do nothing but look out the window and nap?
12. Routines are comforting and I am ready for mine to resume. I miss work.
13. Does that officially make me nuts?
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