Sunday, August 31, 2008
Good Morning
the story of the army man
Movie Nite
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rainforest Cafe
The great locker project
Friday, August 29, 2008
To Do List
I got my damn period....again
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School and a food rant
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I missed my kids all day
Monday, August 18, 2008
down to the wire
i am stuck in a time warp.....
i have been watching old videos for two days (damn you adam ant). too many memories.......
here we go
david harris
ray lustenberger
regina free
scott garner
kirk parker
shane lawless
mike durbin
jay mckibben
the newton county rams soccer team
drinking down at the train trustle
blue maxx at the jaycee center
cruising the plaza
joey simms
sam smiley
anita perry
sandy criswell
wren dial
mike moncrief
glenn jakes
the rampage room
katrina english
i'm too old. to one special person- not many understand, including me, what happened. i had to let you go so you'd be happy. chances are if we had gotten together we'd both be raging alcoholics. plus your mother probably would have paid me to leave you alone. but 20 years later i still feel a jab in my heart when i remember you. will never forget sitting on the beach talking about what could never be.......i will always love you. cannot hear the cure's "pictures of you" or souixsie's "dazzle" without thinking of you.... i am going to go cry and mop my kitchen now.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
hey, jude......
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Very interesting........

To Do List
Friday, August 15, 2008
GNOME SWEET GNOME (and other forgotten photos)
David had bought 2 gnomes and hid them in the zinnias. I was pleasantly surprised as he doesn't usually do things like that. Now the kids keep moving them and such.
Here is my wrecked car. David plans to get it into the shop when he goes out of town again. Notice the bent in part just under the licence plate.
I am still pretty irritated by the whole thing. I have literally been rear ended 5 times in 11 years and no one has ever gotten a ticket!
And Helen and Zachary riding a camel at the zoo.
To Do List
- Helen- ENT appointment (her doctor, btw, is HOT)
- Library book drop off (didn't make it yesterday)
- Grocery store- we have no food (again- why are we always out of bread and fruit?)
- Shred papers -I have about 6 months' worth of bills and other such nonsense piled up- why is there so much )&_)@&$(&( paper any way?
- Lose 20 pounds
- Call the vet about Ozzy (should have done that already)
- Make hair appointment (when I start to look like my mom, it is time for a trim)
- Pack up school supplies
Last night I made a cute pencil case.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Running out of time
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
She was talked to during class today and then I made her go to the leadership class after. They talked about positive attributes. She is already acting nicer........ We'll see how the rest of the month goes. I am going to insist that she go to the leadership classes, at least until soccer starts. She actually asked to play this year. I think she hates it that Zachary gets attention for sports.
Ready for summer to be over
Monday, August 11, 2008
Super Easy Chili

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pasta Salad
1 box Barilla mini bow ties, cooked in salty water
1 cucumber, seeded and chopped
a bunch of tomatoes (grape, yellow, honey, etc.- some from MIL's garden)
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1/2 bag of frozen peas, thawed
vinaigrette- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 clove garlic (pressed), 1/2 tsp marjoram, 1/2 tsp oregano, 1/2 tap celery seed, 1 TB sugar, squirt of mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Pour dressing over pasta and veggies.
I make my own vinaigrette all the time- it varies every time, but the results are always yummy.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Random Questions of the Universe
Friday, August 08, 2008
This is a shirt from Noisebot (I want it, hint hint). I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Office. It is one of the only shows I watch. Too bad I am never sure when it comes on, cuz I never get the TV clicker thingie.
We went to the zoo after all. I will post pictures later cuz I am tired and don't feel like looking for the cable for the camera, lol. We got to see Sampson, the baby elephant today. And the kids rode a camel this time. I didn't take a lunch today and spent way too much money. Next time I'll go get some bread (that was the only reason I didn't pack a picnic).
We are going fishing tomorrow. Yes I know, I say I am a vegetarian, but I do eat fish on occasion. So call me a hypocrite if you want, but to me, any factory farm animal not eaten is helping the cause. I will not be partaking in the beef jerky, Dorito and bologna sandwich feast, however. I will be taking fakin, lettuce and tomato instead, lol. I am wiped out and want to go to bed but was conned into movie night- the kids are watching Karate Kid (again). Gotta go make some Kool Aid to go with the burnt popcorn (yummy smell).
Thursday, August 07, 2008
A wrecked car and a new big boy seat