2. HEARING. Treat my ears to at least one new CD per month.
3. TASTE. Make one new Indian recipe per month.
4. SMELL. Purchase one new bottle of perfume each month: some expensive, some cheap, some new, and some retro.
5. TOUCH. Be crafty- clean off my craft table and make something special.
6. MIND- Read one "classic" that I should have read {but never did} every month.
7. BODY- Get my body moving
8. SPIRIT- Pray more and read the Bible (just ordered The Bible in One Year for the Kindle)
For January 2012 I plan.....
1. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane- Joan Crawford and Bette Davis
2. MP3- Best of David Bowie
3. Chicken Korma--- http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chicken-korma-ii/
4. Since it is time for the Yellow sale at B&BW, I will be picking up a scent from there, lol
5. OK- clearing off the table will take some effort, lol. Goal is to have functioning craft area by Jan. 15
6. Classic- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (this one is FREE on kindle)
7. Planning to join gym, but until then, will do yoga at home to get stretches in.
8. Purchased Bible in One Year for Kindle. This will give 4 readings daily- Old and New testament, Proverbs and Psalms.